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My (Chard) hobbies and interests range from sport, drawing, through reading to a slight dabble in the ideas of philosophy



I was rather active until I came to Germany.

I used to do a fair bit of athletics and circuit training. Not to amateur professional stage, but it was enough to keep me fit. Today I am still fit, but I do feel the lack of exercise. Hopefully this will change this winter as a colleague has asked me to help motivate him into going into the gym. Lets see what happens.

What sports have I done: well in total I have done about 12 years worth of martial arts - ranging from full contact Karate, a bit of Ta-Kwon-Do, Kung Fu and Ju Jitsu.

Ju Jitsu impressed me the most, and I restarted this hobby last year with my neighbour. After a very long break I have managed to regain my 5th Kyu (Yellow belt) and this year we are hoping for Orange and may be Green).


I used to draw for relaxation, but have somewhat dropped the skill through lack of practice. On my next holiday I'll be taking my pencils and pad to brush up a bit. The new found time that is not been taken up by my MBA will need to filled somehow, and I sit in front of the computer too much as it is. Soon there shall be a link to some of my artwork.



I read sci-fi mostly, with a good dollop of fantasy on the side. I do read the occasional non-fiction or horror, but they do generally tend to bore me. I can recommend Terry Pratchet, Peter F. Hamilton, Tad Williams, Robert Jordan, David Eddings, Terry Goodkind and Anne McAffry etc. Books in which you can lose yourself and picture the characters as if a film is playing before you.

Naturally there are also the greats such as Asimov that also need a mention, but my site is not about giving tips for a good read. Support your local library, go and have a look at what they have on offer.